Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana


November 2022
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Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Dianne Bondy

There’s more than one way to do Hand to Big Toe Pose! This iconic yoga posture has many variations, and one is sure to be right for your body. In this video, we explore how to:

- Use a strap to lengthen your arm making it easier to reach your foot- Utilise a chair to find ease in the pose

- Leverage a wall to incorporate the sensations of stretch and stability at the same time

Props to try: Strap. Chair. Wall.Benefits

- Increases balance

- Strengthens the standing leg and core

- Stretches the lifted leg

- Develops focus

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